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For windows download Total Registry

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Clarified manual regarding angle unit in GLM, added FAQ 11 #326.Added master branch continuous integration service on Linux 64 #332.Don't show status message in 'FindGLM' if 'QUIET' option is set.Specialized integer implementation of YCoCg-R #310.Changed usage of _has_include to support Intel compiler #307.Added support of defaulted functions to GLM types, to use them in unions #366.Added static components and precision members to all vector and quat types #350.Added GTX_hash to perform std::hash on GLM types #320 #367.Added functions eulerAngleXYZ and extractEulerAngleXYZ #311.Added left handed perspective and lookAt functions #314.Added 'fmod' overload to GTX_common with tests #308.Added GTC_color_space: convertLinearToSRGB and convertSRGBToLinear functions.Deprecated GLM_MESSAGES, use GLM_FORCE_MESSAGES instead.Deprecated GLM_SWIZZLE, use GLM_FORCE_SWIZZLE instead.Fixed quaterion to mat3 cast function mat3_cast from GTC_quaternion #542.Fixed GLM test '/fp:fast' and '/Za' command-line options are incompatible.Fixed missing vec1 overload to length2 and distance2 functions #431.Fixed sign with signed integer function on non-x86 architecture.Fixed long long warnings when using C++98 on GCC and Clang #482.Fixed intersectRayTriangle to not do any unintentional backface culling.Fixed GTX_extended_min_max filename typo #386.Added more information to build messages.Factorized GLM_COMPILER_LLVM and GLM_COMPILER_APPLE_CLANG into GLM_COMPILER_CLANG.Use Cuda built-in function for abs function implementation with Cuda compiler.Added constexpr for vec, mat, quat and dual_quat types #493.Improved GTX_wrap for SIMD friendliness.Improved OpenMP support detection for Clang, GCC, ICC and VC.Improved GLM_FORCE_EXPLICIT_CTOR coverage #481.Improved GTC_random linearRand documentation.Improved SIMD and swizzle operators interactions with GCC and Clang #474.Added GLM_FORCE_UNRESTRICTED_GENTYPE allowing non basic genType #543.Added quaternion version of isnan and isinf #521.Added GTC_type_aligned with aligned vec types.Added iround and uround to GTC_integer, fast round on positive values.Added missing bvec* & and || operators.

for windows download Total Registry

Added 8bit pack and unpack to GTC_packing.Added 16bit pack and unpack to GTC_packing.Added (un)packUnorm and (un)packSnorm to GTC_packing.Added packF3x9_E1x5 and unpackF3x9_E1x5 to GTC_packing for RGB9E5 #416.Added compNormalize and compScale functions to GTX_component_wise.Added right and left handed projection and clip control support #447 #415 #119.

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