Players will create their heroes just as they would in a pen-and-paper game by choosing their race, class, personality and rolling for their stats. Every hero expresses themselves in the adventure, making each action and dialog choice a dynamic part to the story. In Solasta, you take control of four heroes, each with unique skills that complement one another. Set yourself up for the finishing strike and possibly roll a natural 20 at that key moment of battle.
Spellcasting Chants: Your spellcasters are no longer mute when casting spells, and we’ve added an additional spellcasting animation to boot! (you can turn off chants in the option menu).

Online Multiplayer Co-op is now available: Compatible with both official CotM & Lost Valley campaigns, Primal Calling content as well as Custom Campaigns made with the Dungeon Maker!.About This Game Free Content Update with the release of Lost Valley